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Update Query on top of the Mutation result

You will learn

  • Why we need to update Query after Mutation
  • How to update Query state after Mutation execution
  • How to mark Query as stale and force it to re-execute

Since Query is representation of the data in remote source and Mutation is a way to change data in remote source, it's clear that we need to update Query after Mutation execution. Let's see how we can do it.

Update Query on Mutation success

Let's say we have a Query that fetches a list of users and a Mutation that adds a new user to the list. We want to update the list of users after the new user is added. We can do it by using the update operator.

First, we need to create a Query that fetches a list of users:

import { createJsonQuery } from '@farfetched/core';

const usersListQuery = createJsonQuery({
  request: { url: '', method: 'GET' },
  response: { contract: userListContract },

Then, we need to create a Mutation that adds a new user to the list:

import { createJsonMutation } from '@farfetched/core';

const addUserMutation = createJsonMutation({
  request: {
    url: '',
    method: 'POST',
  response: { contract: userContract },

If we execute addUserMutation with a new user, it will be added to the list of users. But the list of users in usersListQuery will not be updated on the client-side. We need to update it manually. We can do it by using the update operator:

import { update } from '@farfetched/core';

update(usersListQuery, {
  on: addUserMutation,
  by: {
    success: ({ mutation, query }) => ({
      result: [...query.result, mutation.result],

Now, when addUserMutation is executed successfully, the usersListQuery will be updated and new user will be added to the end of the list.

Re-execute Query after update

By default, update operator will update the state of the Query but will not re-execute it. If we want to re-execute the Query after update, we can use the refetch option:

import { update } from '@farfetched/core';

update(usersListQuery, {
  on: addUserMutation,
  by: {
    success: ({ mutation, query }) => ({
      result: [...query.result, mutation.result],
      refetch: true,

Now, when addUserMutation is executed successfully, the usersListQuery will be updated, market as $stale and re-executed.

Alter Query parameters during update

Sometimes we need to alter Query parameters for re-execution caused by update. In this case, we can specify new parameters in refetch field`

import { update } from '@farfetched/core';

update(usersListQuery, {
  on: addUserMutation,
  by: {
    success({ mutation, query }) {
      /* formulate new params there */
      const newParams = null;

      return {
        result: [...query.result, mutation.result],
        refetch: { params: newParams },

Update Query on Mutation failure

Sometimes, it's more important to change Query state after Mutation failure. It can be done by using the failure field in by object:

import { update } from '@farfetched/core';

update(usersListQuery, {
  on: addUserMutation,
  by: {
    failure: ({ mutation, query }) => ({
      result: query.result,
      refetch: true,

In this case, when addUserMutation is failed, the usersListQuery will not be updated (because we returned old data from the update-rule), marked as $stale and re-executed (because we returned refetch option).

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